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Foxx Opening Statement at Members Day Hearing

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) delivered the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at the Committee's Members Day hearing:

"Good morning, I welcome our guests for this year’s members day hearing.
"I will not take up too much of our time, but I will acknowledge the work our Committee does to provide educational opportunities for all Americans, ensure a well-equipped, high-quality workforce and allow business owners to thrive in a free-enterprise economy.
"From pre-K to retirement, this Committee touches every American life and impacts the way we learn, work, and succeed. In fact, in the four months since the 117th Congress began, more than 40 percent of the rule bills have come out of this Committee.
"Our jurisdiction spans from protecting religious liberty and freedom of speech on college campuses to ensuring balance in labor-management relations and combatting overzealous enforcement by federal bureaucrats. And while we continue to work on these policies, today is an opportunity to broaden further those horizons and hear from new voices.
"Mr. Chairman, I could brag all morning about this Committee, but I will end by welcoming our guests to the best Committee in Congress."


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