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Foxx Op-Ed: Time to Stand for Parental Rights

School administrators and the education establishment are bullying parents. From CRT to gender politics, schools are pushing the Left’s radical social agenda when they should be focusing on reading and math.

In Case You Missed It via the Daily Signal, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) pulls back the curtain on the Left’s attempt to indoctrinate students in schools nationwide.

Time to Stand for Parental Rights
By Representative Virginia Foxx
July 27, 2022
Many school districts across the nation are actively resisting curriculum transparency measures and bending over backward to hide the truth about what students are being taught. As parents sound the alarm on critical race theory (CRT) and gender politics in the classroom, school administrators are doing everything in their power to gaslight them—telling them that these topics aren’t being taught and that parents are racist or transphobic if they question why schools are teaching about them.

In classrooms all around the country, the controversial and historically inaccurate “1619 Project” is being utilized to teach that our country’s core value is not equality but racism. According to a RealClear Investigations report, CRT is pervasive in many schools and is found in professional development courses for teachers and staff as well as lesson plans and assignments.

These school districts are disregarding parents’ rights to have a say in their children’s education. The belief that the education bureaucracy, not parents, should decide what children learn is a growing and concerning trend. For example, in his race for Virginia governor, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe said parents should not influence what schools teach. Nicole Hannah Jones, “1619 Project” founder, seemingly agreed, saying, “K-12 educators, not parents, are the experts in what to teach.”
And what happens when parents fight back, affirming their right to know what their children are being taught? The entire force of the education bureaucracy, including teachers unions and federal institutions, turns against them.

This is where the country is headed, but we can take action to stop this train. The Parents Bill of Rights will protect parents’ rights to make medical decisions for their children rather than letting schools usurp that authority. It will also create more transparency so parents can see how schools are spending money and what their children are being taught.
Safeguarding parental rights is the line drawn in the sand. If we lose this battle, the consequences for individual liberty will be wide ranging and devastating.

Read the full op-ed here.
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